1. I ranked these by how likely I’d be to survive the entire film, not how long in the film I’d survive. 
  2. This list is pure lunacy, so try not to take it too seriously.  Currently in theaters. Buy tickets at Cinemark or Fandango.  Currently in theaters. Buy tickets at Cinemark or Fandango.  The killers in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds are in fact the titular birds. While they only kill four people in the film (according to my beloved List of Deaths Wiki), they would be very hard to escape given their sheer population size. Yes, I suppose I could just try and wait it out in some kind of brick room, but that feels like a momentary reprieve. Perhaps I could drive away quickly? How fast can birds fly? Based on the fact they are sort of dumb creatures and not intelligent humans/spirits; however, I think there could be an out.  I’d also like to take this opportunity, apropos of nothing, to remember when Marisa Tomei was in The First Purge and couldn’t even be bothered with a single wardrobe change. A queen. 

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