We walked out and I called the regional manager to report that and all of the other horrible stuff he’d done. She launched an investigation and found that he’d been harassing all of the female employees.  The regional manager called me and asked me if I wanted my job back and I said no. I’ll never work in an environment that toxic again."—kyooconnor —yanderegirlfriend

I call the next Monday to get the new schedule and the shift manager says that since I didn’t bother to show up for my weekend shifts, I wasn’t put on the schedule for that week. I quit." —AmberM867 She went anyways, so they fired her for leaving. Best part was her last check wasn’t signed so she couldn’t get paid but my dad said he would take care of it and sure enough, the check was ‘magically’ signed and she got a little extra." —Danette My job had the guts to say that it was terribly short notice to ask for that much time off; it was like a week but a week to spend with my uncle who I’m literally never going to see again. I looked at the managers and told them that if my time off wasn’t approved I would be tragically unwell that entire week and would not be able to come in. Mysteriously my vacation was approved by the next morning and I never faced repercussions. I knew what I was worth to the company and I knew they needed me more than I needed them." —happyhat I called in for a shift one day when I was violently ill (never called in prior to this) and she answers the phone, refusing to hand it to my manager. She demanded I just tell her what I wanted and said she’d relay the message. This went on for a while until I finally broke and told her and she said, ‘No, I don’t accept that.’  I told her, ‘OK, well then I’m never coming back in, good luck,’ and hung up on her. Went back to hand in my shirt the next week. I was told management thought I was in the wrong and that I had been rude to her."—mconner2155 I said, ‘I guess I’ll pass on the job.’  A year later the factory closed down."—hydrodude71 —kellyk4910e83ff I walked out and went on my trip.  Came back and less than two weeks later had a new job at same pay, benefits, and vacation, with much less stress." —lindseyhyland15